Guidelines for Reopening
We have decided to tentatively reopen the church on Sunday, May 17th with one morning worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. It will be located at the FLC so that we can follow the social distancing guidelines.
The guidelines, that have been approved by the leadership of the church, are provided below for reopening. Please read these carefully in your preparation for attending on May 17th. As you will notice in the guidelines, it is highly recommended that you wear a facemask. If you do not have a mask, there will be one available for you as you enter the FLC for the worship service. Additionally, if anything should arise concerning the coronavirus that should prevent us from gathering, you will be notified via email and on the church’s Facebook page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office. We are looking forward to gathering together once again. God is faithful! Let us rejoice in His faithfulness! 1 Corinthians 1:9 (ESV) “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor & Deacons
· The tentative date for reopening of the church is May 17, 2020
· There will be one Sunday morning service at 10:00 a.m., and it will be held in the FLC to allow the space for proper social distancing. There will be no Sunday evening or Wednesday evening services until further notice. The Sunday morning service will be streamed each week via Facebook Live or recorded by video and posted to Facebook following the worship service. The audio of the sermon will be posted to the church’s website at
· Social distancing guidelines will be followed. This will include seating being 6 feet apart. Families will be allowed to sit together. The guidelines allow 50% of the seating capacity of the building.
· Hand sanitizer will be readily available.
· There will be no door greeters and no meet and greet time during the service.
· No bulletins will be made available for the worship service.
· No coffee or donuts will be made available prior to the Sunday morning worship service until further notice.
· It is highly recommended that face masks be worn at all times during the worship service. If you have a health issue or breathing problem that does not allow you to wear a mask, then perhaps an exception will be made.
· There will be designated locations for the giving of your offering. Offering plates will not be passed during the worship service.
· There will be no small groups for the foreseeable future. This includes Sunday school classes, nursery, children’s church, and Wednesday evening classes for the youth and children. A Wednesday devotional video will be posted weekly to the church’s Facebook page. The youth class will meet via Zoom on Wednesday evenings. Jeri Ramsey will continue to do a children’s read aloud on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. via the church’s Facebook page with a Zoom meeting to follow.
· It is recommended if you are in the high risk category that you stay at home and view the service via Facebook or listen to the audio on the church’s website.
· If you are not feeling well, have a temperature, cough, or flu-like symptoms, please do not attend any Sunday morning worship service.
· The church building and FLC will remained closed for any meetings or church activities, other than the Sunday morning worship service, until further notice.